The Church & a PAstors Response to Covid-19’s effect on our Church

Hi Guys! Hope and I are back for another conversational interview. Today we talk about this whole coronavirus/COVID-19 dealy-o, and the effect it is having on our church. We look at some biblical responses we should consider and some of the great encouragement I have received over the past few months as the Pastor at Bangor Community Church.


Hope you listen, enjoy and are encouraged.

Pastor Casey

Great Quote

This is a great quote that God had me “accidentally stumble across this evening…

“The job description of the preacher, in other words, is not to say many different things but to say the same thing over and over again in many different ways. We have one main message to declare: “Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).”

Tullian Tchividjian (Grandson of Billy Graham)



Romans 1:16