Hey all! Welcome back!!! Yes, it its me, Hope, using all these exclamation points… sorry Kelly! Turns out when you have a website, you need to know how to work it, and that’s hard. Casey has a Masters in Bible but updating a website theme can be tricky… Bless him! We have moved to Bangor California, and after 4 months, turns out we love California! So, now about our new digs.
Bangor was founded by two gold prospectors from, you guessed it, Bangor, Main! Still lots of old mines around, even on land of people in our church, along with great stories, that in a later post! So excited to explore. We are about 600 people in hot, mostly dry horse and quarry country. Our church is just down from the town hub of hall, fire station, school, leading to the 4 way stop with Mennonite bakery, minimart, feed store and post office. Sounds bigger than it is, but the muffins at the bakery are amazing, and Marjory, she runs the post office, will call you and let you know if you have a package. The people are fun, kind, hard working, and worshiping together is even better!
Our church is a range of ages. Of course, our family quadrupled the kids in the church, and everyone loves them. The kids have their people, buddies that spoil them and “get” them. Such a blessing. Our first week here, Casey was up preaching while Elias and Levi were bouncing around in the seats when Donna, who had been smiling at the kids all through the music, leaned over and told me kids should be able to make noise in service, it means they’re there and keeps the old people awake for the sermon! She is a sweet woman who wears black hills gold well, works in the deli at a store in town and is giving up her one day off VBS week to help sign kids in the first day. A gem!
Rosie has her new best friend, Theresa, who’s 65, retired from work only, provides the eggs to everyone in church, and is the sweetest, hardest worker anywhere. Finn and two brothers in church are thick as thieves, always sitting together in service and catching lizards in the baptismal pool when needed. We prayed for specific friends for him, coming from a mostly all girl town in Mossyrock. He is so happy. Caleb has his buddy too, both 4 and fun to see hanging around together. Elias and Levi in turn have their adults that kindly chide me if I need to correct them that the boys are just fine, and then give them a cookie. Over all this, the church is so glad to have a pastor again after 2 years. Gene, a true New York City gal young in her 70’s is his biggest fan! He’s been adopted, and after his mom’s passing, I think we new it would take another NY gal to do half the job Mom did. All the Aunties, you would love her! Casey is enjoying getting to know the board members here, and their heart for opening the church and reaching the community was active even before our arrival. The Levy had burst last fall, and a month later there were devastating fires that took over 50 homes, some in our church. The people were there, opening the doors providing everything people could need, including love and listening ears. Big plans as the years unfold, and with 11 acres between the church and parsonage, we have lots of room to expand. May God’s grace and will go before us as we continue to make this wonderful community our home, See Casey lead the church and have all you amazing people serving right here with us through prayer and financial support click here!, love, and yes, visits!!! (we have a house perfect for hosting, and the church loves meeting new people!!! Hint!!!) And if you are just needing some essential oils and want to make it count, you can order from me here!
Love you all!!! Check out the updated sight thanks to Casey, and let us know your thoughts, prayer requests, and anything else you care to share!!!