Ive been asked before about some of the podcasts I listen to or websites I utilize, so I thought I would put up an updated listing. THE podcasts can all be found on Itunes (most of them used to be able to be found on Zune marketplace, I miss Zune)
The websites will all have links to connect them. Hope you can check some these out and that they help or encourage. If you have any to add, please comment below or if you have experience with any of these, please let us know as well.
Denton Bible Church– Pastor Tommy Nelson in Denton, TX. Very much a Bible teaching Church. Pastor Tommy teaches much like a professor and is renowned for his books and experiences regarding Cdepression and Marriage and Sexuality. Teaches through books of the Bible.
Downtown Bible Class– Pastor Scott Gilchrist in Portland, OR. Daily podcast that replays Pastor Scott’s weekly Wednesday teachings in Downtown Portland. This is also played on the radio daily (93.9 FM in Portland.)
Epiphany Fellowship– Pastor Eric Mason in Philadelphia, PA.
The Journey– Pastor Darrin Patrick in St. Louis, MO
People’s Church– Pastor Herbert Cooper in Oklahoma City, OK
Renovation Church– Pastor Leonce Crump II in Atlanta, GA
The Resurgence Leadership– Website started by Pastor Mark Driscoll dedicated to teaching and training those in ministry.
Mars Hill Church– Pastor Mark Driscoll in Seattle, WA. In iTunes, they have the weekly Sermon series but they also have some older sermon series available, including Vintage Jesus (giving Biblical responses to secular and religious views on Jesus), Proverbs, Revelations (focusing on worship) The Peasant Princess (on Song of Solomon) and their Teaching Audio Podcast which includes their Film & Theology talks
Truth For Life– Pastor Allister Begg in Cleveland, OH. Daily half hour teachings very similar in format to the above mentioned Downtown Bible Class, except Allister Begg does it with a Scottish accent
The Village Church– Pastor Matt Chandler in Dallas/Denton, TX. My single favorite pastor of the group
Southwest Bible Church– Pastor Scott Gilchrist in Beaverton, OR. Hope and I attended this church for a few years. I was baptized there and Finn was dedicated there
Beaverton Christian Church– Pastor Scott Gassoway in Beaverton, OR- By far, the best bible teaching preacher I have say under.
www.ESVbible.org– an online Bible in my favorite translation. Read the Word from any computer
www.Blueletterbible.com– search passages, read in many different translations, compare texts, etc. great tool
www.theresurgence.com– See post about pod-casts. Great articles, training information, tips, encouragement, etc.
www.responsiblefather.com– a christian fathers blog about tips, lessons learn and stories about being a father of five.
Responsible Puppet-(http://jamsco.wordpress.com/) Same blogger as Responsible Father, but regarding theology and faith
www.lifetoheryears.com Technically not “Christian” but of the best sites I’ve found for tips, encouragements and etc. about fathers raising little girls
www.thegospelcoalition.org– a collection of great blogs, teachings and conferences
www.iamsecond.com– a collection of celebrity and semi-celebrity testimonies explaining how they have learned to put themselves second and put Jesus Christ first
www.caseyholencik.com– “Journey With Us.” Hope’s and mine blog about our family, the things Gods been teaching us and our ministry, being a missionary pastor with Village Missions to rural America.
Casey and Hope’s donations page- Where you can go to support Hope and I, either with a financial gift or with a monthly pledge, all tax deductable.
Www.village-missions.org– Keeping Country Churches Alive. Training and providing missionary pastors to churches in rural America that cant hide or attract their own, usually, but not always due to small congregations and lack of finances
www.scottgassoway.com– my former pastor and amazing insight and teachings. Often convicting in a loving, teaching way
www.pleasantview-church.org– The church where I am currently interning and serving
Hope some of these help!
Colossians 3:2